Preserving history,
growing community and
building new homes.

The property known as Delta Collegiate Institute when the school opened in 1924, and Delta Secondary School since it was enlarged in 1950, is located at 1284 Main Street East in the Delta East neighbourhood in the City of Hamilton. The site is bounded by Main Street East, Wexford Avenue South, Maple Avenue, and Graham Avenue South. The property is comprised of a three-storey institutional building, designed in the Modern Gothic architectural style by Hutton & Souter. Delta was built in 1923-24 with major renovations and additions which took place in 1948-50 and 1972 respectively. The former school site, owned by the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board closed its doors in 2019. Through a public bid process, New Horizon Development Group (NHDG) and Losani Homes were the successful bidders of the vacant school site.

Delta Secondary School will continue to hold its strong history as an integral piece of the fabric of the Hamilton community. As we work towards a vision for this site, we invite you to share your thoughts with us. We believe it is fundamental to develop and maintain enduring relationships with our neighbours. We have developed the following goals to assist us through the planning approval process to facilitate the proposed development:

  • Inform interested neighbours and community groups using various methods of engagement;
  • Share information related to the development proposal with the public;
  • Explore opportunities for the remaining materials and/or furniture within the vacant school;
  • Determine overarching themes and key opportunities about the development through communication with the community;

The proposed development contemplates retention and adaptive reuse of the original 1924 school building for residential purposes. The 1948-50 and 1972 additions are proposed to be removed to accommodate three new 14-storey multi-residential buildings. The highest priority heritage attributes identified in both the 1948-50 and 1972 additions will be retained to reconcile heritage conservation. A combination of three and four-storey townhomes and stacked townhomes are proposed along the south, east, and west perimeter of the site. Through the rehabilitation of the open space frontage along Main Street East, establishment of two new parkettes, and greenspaces through the site, the proposed redevelopment will result in a net increase to the existing greenspace across the site.

To provide us feedback on the proposal shared below, or register to receive updates on the development’s progression, follow the link below.

About Us

A cohesive vision


With nearly 80 years of combined experience, NHDG and Losani Homes are leaders in building communities throughout the GTHA. The NHDG and Losani partnership stems back to 1998. The two companies have built new communities together over the years in Ancaster, Paris, Winona, and Oakville. Both award-winning, family-run businesses have been recognized at the local level as well as Canada-wide. NHDG and Losani Homes share a renowned history in Hamilton and traditions of giving back to their community.


Graziani + Corazza Architects Inc. aspires to create buildings of memorable modern forms that respond to the surrounding context while still satisfying programmatic needs to maximize all aspects of a project’s potential. Their design principles are founded on using materials that complement the urban and natural environment to produce sustainable settings for those who live, work, and play in the spaces they create. Graziani + Corazza’s ultimate satisfaction comes in seeing their buildings embraced by their owners, occupants, and the local community.

Heritage Consultant

ERA Architects Inc. is an Architectural and Planning firm with focus in building conservation and adaptive reuse projects. Within their planning expertise, they have a particular interest in regional and neighbourhood cultural planning and in cultural landscapes and their regeneration. ERA focuses on generating professional integrity and expertise through research, education, and mentoring, with an emphasis on facilitating community consultation of all stakeholders, as the democratic basis of good planning. To that end, ERA frequently works collaboratively with other firms to engage in city building, conserving heritage architecture and improving the built environment.


GSP Group is a recognized, award-winning leader in planning, urban design, and landscape architecture. Since 1995, GSP provides creative, collaborative, and innovative solutions to address community development needs and challenges. Their planning practice includes development planners and policy planners who work with clients to foster responsible growth and shape the land-use fabric of urban and rural communities.

Landscape Architect

Whitehouse Urban Design Incorporated is a professional consulting firm providing Landscape Architecture and Urban Design services to a range of development and redevelopment projects including multi-unit residential, commercial, mixed-use, institutional, and industrial uses. Whitehouse Urban Design Inc brings a unique combination of skills and experience to projects, with over 20 years of experience working with municipalities, members of the public, politicians, agencies, and interest groups to achieve success throughout the development process.

Community Engagement

Cumming + Company specializes in community engagement consulting and facilitation with over 25 years of experience designing and carrying out consultation directly related to policy planning, land use, and infrastructure projects. Cumming + Company is skilled at managing complex and diverse public input and feedback from a variety of competing interests and stakeholders and has significant experience engaging multi-sectorial, municipal and industry representatives and community organizations.

Project facts

Heritage preservation as a leading
development principle

The site was designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act on April 9, 2014, by By-law 14-077. The property was designated following the consolidation of HWDSB properties and the closure of Delta Secondary School, which operated from the site.

ERA Architects Inc., has developed the following for heritage conservation and a series of Conservation Design Parameters for the Site, which set forth a heritage-first framework for its redevelopment.

The CDPs outline the following primary conservation objectives for the Site:

  • Highlight the retained 1924 School Building;
  • Site new buildings in response to the school’s historic evolution;
  • Form new massing to respond to and respect the 1924 School Building and the surrounding neighbourhood;
  • Draw on a sympathetic material palette; and,
  • Offer a meaningful contribution to the public realm through landscaping and adaptive reuse.

Project statistics subject to change and subject to project approval.

Project Proposal

Preserving the past
& designing the future


Total Residential Units


Mid-rise Buildings
(11-14 storeys)


Townhouse and Stacked townhouse Units


Square Metres of Proposed Private
Amenity Space


Retrofit Residential Units (within existing building)


Parking Ratio
(97% of parking spaces for the site are underground)


Total Bicycle Spaces


Square Metres of Proposed
Increased Greenspace Onsite
350m (4-minute walk) from the Proposed LRT Stop at Kenilworth Ave. S. & Main St.
450m (6-minute walk) from the Proposed LRT Stop at Ottawa St. S. & Main St.
Development Plans

Learn More

Official Plan Amendment/ Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Architectural Drawing Package

Cover Letter

Cultural Heritage Impact Analysis

Existing Drainage Plan – City

Existing Drainage Plan – Survey

Geotechnical Report

Grading and ESC Plan

Ministry Clearance Letter for Archaeological Assessment

Noise Feasibility Study

Pedestrian Wind Assessment

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

Planning Justification Report

Preliminary Landscape Concept

Proposed Drainage Plan

Public Consultation Strategy

Servicing Plan

Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment

Stormwater Management Report

Sun Shadow Study

Topographic Survey

Transportation Impact Analysis

Tree Protection Plan

Urban Design Brief

Water Wastewater Generation Report

Applicant Led Open House

Feedback Report from Applicants Open House

Information Boards

project status


Applicant Led Drop In Open House March 2023

Application & Engagement: Key Dates & Milestones

Delta Secondary School permanently closed by the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB)


HWDSB begins public bid process for Delta Secondary School

April 2021

Three bids are submitted to the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board for the purchase of Delta

December 2021

NHDG and Losani Homes' partnership acquires Delta

March 2022

Formal Consultation Submission

May 2022

Formal Consultation Meeting

June 2022

Pre-Application Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee Meeting

November 2022

Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment Application Submission

December 2022

Applicant Led Drop In Open House

March 2023

Heritage Permit Submission

June 29th, 2023

Heritage Permit Review Subcommittee Meeting

August 29th, 2023

Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee

October 20th, 2023

Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment & Heritage Alteration Application Approval

November 5, 2024

Site Plan Approval Submission


New Condo and Townhome Sales Start


Construction Start


Prev Arrow
Next Arrow

Project statistics subject to change and subject to project approval.

Preserving History

Original Building Features from 1924


Metres Tall at its
Tallest Point


Exterior Archways


Exterior Doors




Interior Doors




Square Metres of
Ceiling Moulding

Community Engagement

Share your thoughts with us

The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.
Complete the form below to register for updates on the development's progress and to submit feedback on our proposal.

How long have you lived at your current address?
Relationship to Delta? Check all that apply:
0 / 1000

For details on how to formally participate in the planning process,
please contact the City of Hamilton planner, Daniel Barnett at or 905-546-2424 ext. 4445.

For more information on this project, please contact Sarah Knoll, GSP Group at or 289-778-1430.